This blog is for me to talk about my journey with weight loss. I know it will help me be successful. Maybe it will help others too.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Thursday 1-24-13

Thursday Jan. 24, 2013:  Tonight was the dreaded weigh-in at my meeting.  GULP!  But truly, it went really well.  I was nervous about it all day because I worried that all my hard work was only going to amount to ½ a pound.  And yes, I know ½ a pound is still a loss, but I really wanted it to be more than that.  This past week has been a challenge.  I have had to test my willpower harder than ever before.  While the rest of my family can still enjoy a serving of French fries or a helping of chicken nuggets, I have had to decide if eating that is really worth the points it would cost me.  And my answer was always NO.  No, although those French fries look delicious and most certainly would taste wonderful, they are not worth the 10 points it would cost me.  For some people, those choices are easy and it doesn’t make sense that I have such a hard time.  But for someone who is addicted to food, like I am, those choices are very difficult.  And each time I made a good food decision, it was a tiny victory.  I am sure smokers who are trying to quit feel the same way when they decide not to pick up a cigarette. 

I have learned over the past week that I am stronger than I have ever given myself credit for.  I have learned just how poorly I was honestly eating.  I have learned that having accountability makes all the difference to me.  I have learned that I can eat better and still be full, satisfied, happy, and most importantly, proud.  I have learned that the support of your co-workers, strangers, friends, and family makes a world of difference.  And I have learned that hard work pays off because when I stepped on that dreaded scale tonight, I was down 4.8 lbs.

Light Yogurt- 2 Points
Whole Wheat Toast w/ buttery spread- 2 Points
Fresh Strawberries w/ Truvia- 0 Points
Monster Lo-Carb Drink- 0 Points

Tuna Sandwich on Whole Wheat w/ Lettuce- 7 Points
1 serving of tiny twist pretzels- 3 Points
Sliced Apple- 0 Points
12 oz Diet Pepsi- 0 Points

Italian Chicken Skillet- 4 Points
½ Cup White Rice- 5 Points

After Dinner Snack:
½ Dark Chocolate Candy Bar- 3 Points
1 Cup Skim Milk- 2 Points

I want to thank my husband Ryan who has been 150% supportive in helping me with my new lifestyle.  He has been there for me no matter what it was I needed.  And I want to thank my Mom who was my inspiration and my mentor during this first week.  Without her by my side, I don’t think I could have taken that first step. 

I know that I have a long way to go but I will tell you this, that 4.8 lbs feels like Mount Everest.  I may not be able to see where that weight came off my body but my heart and my spirit feel about 100 lbs lighter today. 

1 comment:

  1. 4.8 pounds in a week!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!! That is such a mountain!!! You are a serious inspiration!
