This blog is for me to talk about my journey with weight loss. I know it will help me be successful. Maybe it will help others too.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Struggles and Recovery

So as many of you have considerable length...I have been slacking in the blog department.  It isn't that I have fallen off the Weight Watchers wagon completely but I have to admit that maybe I slid off the back of the wagon and was hanging on by my fingertips for a little bit.  Also I have just not been interested in blogging lately.  It is weird because usually I cannot wait to blab on and on about my life.

In March I started exercising on a very regular basis and my weight loss took off like a shot.  I found myself not having time to blog because I was going to the gym and becoming so involved with that part of my life that the computer didn't interest me.  And April was a great month.  I was happy and couldn't wipe the smile from my face.

Then May arrived.  May was not my best month.  I gained back about 6 pounds as I went through some very tough things.  And I am disappointed to say that my eating and my choices reflected my struggles.  I was slowly starting to slip back into very bad habits.  I found myself thinking, "As long as I don't gain so much that I won't be under my 50 pound weight loss, I am okay."

And so I ate.  May started with a scary trip to the E.R. and then my husband left for 2 weeks shortly after that for some Air National Guard duties and I found myself making bad choices about my food because 1) I was being lazy and 2) There was no one there to see me eating poorly.

This was bad enough but then my child got sick while my husband was away and I felt very alone.  Staying up with a sick child also made me very sleepy during the day which I found also influenced my eating choices.  And if all that wasn't bad enough, the middle of May hit and I totaled not only my car, but also 2 other cars involved in the accident.  BRING ON THE FOOD!

And sadly, my Grandpa passed away at the end of the month leaving an emotional hole which I promptly filled with ham and rolls provided by the local church ladies.  The only bright spot was that my wonderful sister had her baby boy which, of course, I celebrated with the appropriate snacks and goodies.

Top all of this off with a couple different nights of parties where I got supremely drunk and ate who knows what and it is sort of amazing I didn't gain 16 pounds instead of just the 6.

But this is a new month.  I am recommitting to myself to take control of my life again.  I cannot let this slip burry me alive.  It is not a mountain but a molehill that I faced during the month of May.  And I am stronger than all of that.  I have now (almost) lost the 6 pounds that I gained in May and I working hard to getting the scales to tip back in the right direction.

Thank you all for all the support and love you have been sending my way.  I hope that I can get to being an inspiration to others.  And more importantly, I hope that I can continue on my journey to a healthier life.

P.S. Pictures to come soon!

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